From the year 1914 onwards, Das Ganu was ordained by Baba to perform. (ref: Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter 6) In the year 1913, Bala Buva Satarkar performed Ram-Navami Kirtan at Shirdi and Baba gave him a gift of Rs.150/- for the Kirtan. Thus Baba proved to His devotees that seeing His picture was equivalent to seeing Him in person. Bala Buva had never met Sai Baba before but 4 years ago at Bombay, he had prostrated before Baba's picture.

When he bowed down in obeisance, Baba said, "I know this man since last 4 years". Also Srirama Navami Festival celebration was started for the first time in Shirdi from 1911.(ref: Shri Sai Satcharitra Chapter 4) Bala Buva Sutar, known as 'Modern Tukaram', was invited to perform Ram-navami Kirtan in the year 1912. Inaguration of Dixit Wada on the auspicious day of Srirama Navami in the year 1911.